Abstract: In this paper, we focus on implementation of research, and the efficient management of resulting Indian ocean data. Data management and integration consider the careful collection, management and dissemination of research data is taken to provide vast ocean information integration. In order to develop robust ocean information system, the data from in-situ ocean observing systems such as Argo floats, drifting buoys, moored buoys, XBT surveys, tide gauges, coastal radars, current meter mooring array, bottom pressure recorders has been considered to design by implementing data acquisition, processing, quality control, and database generation. The diverse data sets has been acquired from in-situ platforms needs to be quality controlled, organized and disseminated in real time to data users. This paper on ODIS provides ocean data management and web-based ocean information system and its visualization functions for oceanographic data. An integrated observing system will also require improved combination of data from in-situ platforms which observations depends on their parameters and data types.
Keywords: Heterogeneous data, Oceanography, Visualization, Data Management, Integration, Argo Data products.